I recently dug out an old Shirley Temple doll that I actually bought from my grandmother's estate. I found it originally in her garage, and it was accidentally added to her auction before we could stop it.
Anyway, I've been searching the Shirley Temple doll sites that I could find and the result is that now I am questioning whether or not this is a real Shirley Temple doll. Most of them were identified by the words Shirley Tempe written on the back of the head or neck, but mine has none. However, I also found out that many of the first composite Shirley Temple dolls were not marked at all (as the Ideal Toy Company, which produced the dolls) was not aware at that time how popular the doll would end up being. Still some dolls were identified with the writings inside the doll's head. But....I would really hate to have to take her head off to find out.
She also cries. She has a box in the back and when pressed she will cry.
Are there any Shirley Temple doll collectors, antique dealers, etc., out there that can help me? I would so appreciate it.
Click on the link above to see more pics of her.
Thanks everyone and have a blessed day,