Hi There Everyone From a
beautifully sunny, but also very humid, Indiana.
I have a few issues I would
really love to discuss with everyone and I WOULD ask that those who can please
respond to these messages. I really value and actually need everyone’s
input please. As my website and blog along with all of the free patterns,
tutorials, etc., are aimed at pleasing all of you; that makes your opinion
twice as important to me.
First I want to sincerely thank
everyone who wrote me a note or signed my guest book thanking me for the free
patterns. You all have been so incredibly sweet…..and I will never forget
nor will I ever take for granted that which you all have given me.
also once again have to specify that my patterns are all copyrighted. You
may “sew” or “complete” the pattern to sell at craft shows, etc., but you may
NOT sell the patterns. The patterns are copyrighted and not yours to
sell. Not to mention that I am giving them away for free. I,
unfortunately, found another person on eBay who is selling my patterns.
So I would love it if anyone who
has the time could go to my website, download one of my patterns, if you have not
already done so, and please tell me if my copyright is obvious to you. If
not, then this is not their fault and I need to make it more prominent and
obvious to those who are downloading my patterns.
Okay….here’s the real reason for
this letter. If you have not already noticed, I have not been actively
creating new patterns for a couple of years now. My sewing machines both
went down at the same time. That along with some other issues prompted my
stopping. I always intended to start back up again but for some reason I
just never did. Since then my attention has been demanded elsewhere and
I’ve never had the time needed to jump back into pattern making. However,
I think I would like to start the newsletter up again. Now the newsletter
always had a new pattern in it for all of you, the subscribers, from Lillie
Mae’s Crafts. Since I’m not actively creating new patterns, I thought
perhaps you all would like a little free advertising. All of those who
have their own businesses and even those who don’t would be eligible.
It would, of course, be
free. Anyone who would like to
participate would just email me with a description of their website, blog,
etc., and a description of the free pattern they have to offer. I would then get back with them and together
we would design their “ad” for the newsletter.
I have a pretty strong and long following for my newsletter.
Those of you who might be
interested in such a deal…..let me know ASAP!
Anyone who has any suggestions, questions, etc., please, as usual, don’t
hesitate to drop me a note.
Thanks much everyone and have a
safe summer.