Hi everyone....
My does time seem to be passing faster and faster.
Well the June newsletter is finished and ready. When I think of June I always think of a June bride. Perhaps because I was a June bride...so I just had to include a bridal pattern. Included in the newsletter is also a wedding picture of mine as well as a little short story of an event that happened at my wedding. Curious?
I do want to thank everyone who took a minute or two to drop me a note and vote about the doll pattern. I heard you all...and when I took a moment to really look at the Annie Blue Eyes doll I realized that you were all right...none of the patterns I was trying to select one from just simply weren't right for this pattern. So....I created a new pattern which seems to compliment Annie Blue Eyes much better. I hope you all agree.
Click on the picture to download the newsletter.
Have a great day everyone,